The Art of Simplifying – Part 2

Pink oil paints

When I paint, I always like to work in a clear and uncluttered space. I love the music to be calm and quiet, I like my head to be clear, so it is just me and my thoughts of what I want to achieve – or often no thoughts at all. I feel the brush in my hand and let the magic happen.

I believe if something is made peacefully, it will evoke those feelings to the viewer. Nothing has touched my heart more than when people have said my work is so calming and delicate and that they feel rested and centred just looking at it.

That is just the sweetest thing.

Simplification is deciding – deciding what to paint, what to eat, who to spend time with today, determining if that colour ‘feels’ right, there. But also, it is choosing what not to paint, who not to spend time with and I have struggled with this one more.

But deciding and letting go of too much clutter allows us to relish our lives today. I have found the days start to slow down. When I decide to only do the things or surround myself with things I love, it is like I am a child again – with long endless summers – where days feel like weeks and weeks feel like years.

Simplifying is both an art and a gift. It is like time and space is being given back to you so you can breathe fresh air again.

With love



The Art of Simplifying – Part 1


How I Paint